Premiere – May 28th, 2021

We say that we are tolerant, considerate, empathetic, kind, etc., but when it is time to show it, we get lost in inaction or negligence, or worse, rejection.There is no better way of trying to get out of your bubble than to show real empathy to someone we don’t understand and whose “world” is unknown to us.
“In some sense it means that you lay aside your SELF. This can only be done by persons who are secure enough in themselves that they know they will not get lost in what may turn out to be the strange or bizarre world of the other…(Carl Rogers,2014)”.
Love SHOCK is my first author performance. It is hard to predict how this will turn out but I know it gave both, the actors and me, the opportunity to rediscover the fullness of experience and endless variation of perception. It reflects the way in which the actors of the Theatre “Divadlo z Pasáže“perceive the world, how they perceive themselves, their emotions, their body, and their life. Yes, they also feel sexy, pissed, funny, misunderstood or invisible, even though they can be heard the most in the street.
“It pisses me off when people stare at me, then I feel like saying, ‘What are you staring at?’ It pisses me off when people are overly nice, like we don’t understand something.” (Lydka)

Stage director Kristína Chmelíková



Creative team:

Directed by: Kristína Chmelíková
Choreography: Lucia Kašiarová
Dramaturgy: Eva Ogurčáková
Music: Tomáš Tomo Michalčák
Hudobná spolupráca: Marián Slávka
Costumes: Michaela Hriňová
Stage and costumes making: Miroslava Zelníková
Light design: Ján Čief
Sound design and recording:: Dušan Ivan
Production: Matúš Petričko a Zuzana Javorská
Assistance: Peter Vrťo, Ľudmila Veverková, Katarína Hojčušová
Graphic design: Ado Dragičević


Ivan Blaško, Michal Daniš, Peter Darmo, Tomáš Debnár, Dorota Králiková, Peter Hudec, Ján Kinčeš, Lucia Krajčiová, Veronika Lačná, Miriam Kujanová, Marek Mojžiš, Michaela Ďuricová, Lýdia Rybárová.