Premiere – May 26, 2023
It was supposed to be a production about fear. What we fear, why we fear, how we fear… and so on. It was supposed to be an author’s production, which is not my usual way of working. However, with regard to the specifics of the cast of the theatre “Divadlo z Pasaže“, it seemed to be a great idea. Fear as an evolutionary factor… evolution… Darwin… natural selection… and so on. This resulted in a production about stories and metaphors. About a boat and about Darwin. In the boat.
A boat as a metaphor. A boat – a yacht as a symbol of well-being – luxury, but also a lifeboat. A boat as a symbol of colonialism.
Darwin as a metaphor… Darwin and the lifeboat – fear, fear of disaster – climate disaster and Darwin – fear as a significant evolutionary factor. We are lost without fear. Having no fear, we will be eaten by a lion or by someone else who comes our way. (Unless we eat them.) So why are we not afraid now, when facing an obvious disaster?
Whistling as a metaphor.
Darkness as a metaphor.
Story as metaphor.
Actors as a metaphor.
A metaphor as a metaphor.
A production about fear and the importance of being together and the importance of being alone (being yourself).

Creative team:
Director: Šimon Spišák
Assistant Director: Eva Ogurčáková
Set design: Karel Czech
Music: Rado Lakoštík
Sound design and recordings: Dušan Ivan
Lighting design: Ján Čief
Set construction: Dušan Ivan
Costume making: Martina Kubalová
Voice in the recordings: Marianna Mackurová, Adrían Urda
Production: Matúš Petričko
Assistance: Katarína Hojčušová, Slavomír Macák, Anna Tomaštiková, Ľudemila Veverková, Peter Vrťo
Ivan Blaško, Michal Daniš, Peter Darmo, Tomáš Debnár, Ján Kinčeš, Lucia Krajčiová, Veronika Lačná, Miriam Kujanová, Marek Mojžiš, Michaela Ďuricová, Klaudia Kuzmová, Dorota Králiková.