Premiere – June 22nd, 2022
Seagull as an ode to searching, overcoming boundaries and the courage to be different. Those were the first words I wrote down in my notes. The words which we filled with meaning, personal associations and which we examined from different angles during the rehearsal process.
Seagull as a laboratory.
Seagull asdevised theatre.
Seagull as an exposed process.
Seagull as a desire for freedom not to become just an exhibit in a museum.

Creative team:
Director and script: Monika Kováčová
Assistant Director: Eva Ogurčáková
Set, puppet and costume design: Ivana Macková
Music: Matej Háasz
Lighting design: Ján Čief
Sound design and recordings: Dušan Ivan
Commentary: Juraj Smutný
Costume, puppet and prop making : Miroslava Zelníková
Production: Matúš Petričko
Assistants: Katarína Hojčušová, Ľudemila Veverková, Peter Vrťo
Michal Daniš, Michaela Ďuricová, Miroslava Kujanová, Lucia Krajčiová, Dorota Králiková, Veronika Lačná